VOCANGA AFRICANA AKO DODO(Yourba) fever, toothache, sores, hypertension, cardiac tonic, Improves mental alertness Make a decoction of water into concentration of stem, root, bark of Voacanga africana, and is be taken orally, 2 spoonful 3 times daily. The concentration from the root used for sores or wounds dressing. WALTHERIA INDICA EWE EPO (YORUBA) H(091, 2), leaves of Waltheria indica, make a decoction with water (H2O), it is to be taken orally One small cup 3 times daily. Sterility . It is to make a decoction of the root and stems with leaves in water. This tea will be taken orally and used to rinse her vaginal every night before bed. One small cup 2 times daily. Fever leaves, young stems make a decoction of water to be taken a small cup in 3 times per day. H(112), ONS; Internal hemorrage, fresh roots chewed or in decoction of water to be taken a small cup in 3 times per day. H(145), stem, roots of the waltheria indica, dec...